Happy Birthday To My Daughter Lauren

Lil Lauren

You may think I’ve only known you for a couple of years. But I have known you since 1988 when I first found out I was carrying your husband inside of me. This is how I prayed:

‘Dear Lord,
I pray that my child’s spouse will sense your unconditional love for them and realize their need for You at a young age. Make them a person after Your own heart. Put people in their life who will share the good news of the Gospel with them and model for them what a life led by Christ looks like. Give them the desire to follow You and the courage to say yes to You all the days of their life. May their relationship with You grow stronger day-by-day. Help them to trust You wholeheartedly and to always put You first, even after marriage.

Father, thank you for creating us with the capacity to love deeply. We know that relationships begin with the feeling of love, but we know that relationships only flourish by acting in love. You showed us the greatest act of love by sending Jesus to die for our sins. I pray that my child’s spouse is experiencing Your great love at this very moment. Help them to receive Your redeeming love in a very personal way. Give them a heart that is full of love and ready and willing to forgive the mistakes that will happen in their marriage. Show them what it looks like for love to win. Amen.’

So, you see… You were birthed in my heart over 31 years ago. (Thank you for not giving me any stretch marks!)
I cherish you, Lauren. I see such a loving stability in you, while at the same time a sensitive vulnerability. Your smile lights up a room and your energy and love for others is contagious and so beautiful!! I hope today you feel celebrated with lots of sweet words, well wishes and bunches of presents!!!

You are an amazingly talented woman! Please don’t second guess yourself. You have a discernment that is long sought after. That is the Holy Spirit talking to you. Listen closely to what He says. Then speak it out with loving-kindness when needed or hold it tight if that is what is called for.

I must say it has been fun trying to figure out your food likes and dislikes. You have one adventurous culinary palate! And wow… with the hot sauces!! Muy calienté! You like it even more spicy that I could ever do. (I think you and Aimeé might be a match)

All this to say, Happy Birthday Daughter. You are deeply loved.

Signed with Love,

Christine (aka Mom) (aka Friend)
A muse of the remnant

p.s. Henceforth, when I write about you, you will be Mrs. TwinkleEyes.
Your hubby is Mr. Rational. (go figure. haha)

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