Happy 30th Birthday Hannah

Today my Twins are Thirty
The years have flown quite fast
One walked with me, and talked with me
One flew away devast

I’d like to say it gets easier
But truly that’s a lie
You hold that love within your heart
And love will never die

I have held you in my heart each year
So close at times it ached
I also know you’re with the One
To whom my faith awaked

He’s closer than a brother
And that is hard to find
You have a brother here on Earth
Caleb’s the best you’d ever find

You have a sister Rachel
Who is blessed at all she does
And she prayed so very hard for you
The day He called you from above

Now let’s talk of Aimee
Your twin in every sense
She’s carried you also in her heart
And that is not pretense

With all that she has conquered
In a short amount of time
I wonder if she’s sharing this
With you inside her mind.

Oh my little Hannah
One day I’ll l hold you near
When Jesus also calls me home
‘Til then I’ll persevere

Happy 30th Birthday
Hannah Marie Osberghaus

Happy 30th Birthday Blessings Aimee

Dear Aimeé,

I believe with all of my heart that the best half of my life began the day my babies were born. I didn’t stop being myself but adding ‘Mom’, ‘Mother’ and ‘Mommy’ to my persona is a gift I wouldn’t change for anything. Trying to be the example you needed in the world and embracing you – my children as my greatest teachers is a role I will always treasure.

You love your family, friends, food and Jesus. You have never once hesitated to embrace anything that might make you a little ‘different’ from the kids – the people around you and I love it. Not only do you recognize differences in yourself as strengths and embrace them as qualities that make you unique, you feel the same about such qualities in others. That is special and important for everyone around you to know & to remember.

From the time you were a toddler, I could see the twinkle in your eyes; a sparkle that felt as if you believed anything was possible. I still see that sparkle in your eyes, I know you still believe you CAN if you try. I mean really, how many young women earn 2 master’s degrees by the age that you did? This is a gift I would like to see you hold on to … keep believing!!!

Years ago, today, this glorious bundle of goodness rocked my world. She had a full head of dark brown hair, warm melting eyes, and an adorable smile. In past years, she has exploded into a tornado of independence and opinions, wit and funny faces, curiosity and intelligence, practicality and heart, friendship and compassion, and too many beautiful emotions to understand. Like all young women, you are forging a path – one that is spiked with opinions and independence. I want you to remember that whoever you choose to be, whatever path you follow in life, it is yours. You are not me, your dad, your brother, your sister, your grandparents or your friends. While we will always be here as a sounding board, we will guide you and offer advice, we love that you are uniquely YOU. You have your own opinions, interests, and heart. Follow them.

”Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” I believe it in my soul. There will be a zillion people in the world who have ‘more’ than you- whether its height (Ha!), talent or charm, a gift for mathematics or art, or just wealth – but only you can control your heart and hustle.

As you enter this new decade of your life, I know I won’t always be able to be there in person, but I will ALWAYS be on your team. I will not always have all the answers, we may not always agree, but I promise you can count on me to be standing at your shoulder, supporting you.

Thank you for holding my hand as we have navigated this mother-daughter journey together.

Thank you for allowing me grace when I make mistakes, for teaching me the true definition of patience, for guiding me through motherhood and being part of the heartbeat of our family.

You are a gift. You have my heart, always. Happy birthday dearest daughter…

Happy 30th Birthday Aimeé Anne