Happy 31st Birthday Aimee

This has been quite they year, hasn’t it?!

Through all of the diversity, change, pushing and pulling, masking, shortages, challenges, meeting people in yards, social distancing, ordering groceries online, quarantining everything from yourself to food to mail, your close friends moving across the country, just to name a few things. And in these things I have been blessed beyond measure. God gave me another year to celebrate you, and some of that year in person.

You know that I can be quite the Pollyanna of the family, always seeing the blue skies and silver linings, but you too, daughter are a bit of a PA as well! I’m not certain it is intrinsic, but hey, we will take it!!!!  You have had to uproot normalcy to stay safe. But in that uprooting you have kept friendships alive via Zoom, Teams, painting, reading, and baking. You have truly shown the resiliency that lies within you. Your heart after your Savior has not changed. It has strengthened.

How about you take time on your special day to just DREAM. Dream big, dream deep and dream dreams!! Then write those dreams down and bind them to you but do remember to give them time to morph and be fluid as they unfold. We can dream, and God blesses abundantly; more than what we can ever perceive. Remember that old adage, ‘Let Go and Let God?’ In your case, let Him have control. I know, I know that is hard to do… you were birthed by a control freak… (hahahha) but I have learned not to compartmentalize or micromanage my God. When He is allowed to operate on your behalf according to His Word, things change.

I love you more than life, my youngest. Keep conquering! He formed you and fashioned you for just a time as this.

Bible Verse for the Year:

Psalms 121:5-8

The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Prayer Corner:

Father, thank you for my daughter. I am so proud of her. I love spending time with her, listening to what is on her mind. She is kind, she is loving, she is courageous, she is tender-hearted, she is a warrior princess. Keep my little princess safe wherever you may send her. Keep her heart turned toward you; that you are her main focus. Let her be blessed beyond measure this year, that whenever, whatever and wherever she goes, that blessing go before her, jump all over her and follow in her wake. Thank you again. ILHMTL.


Christine (aka Mommy)

A muse of the Remnant

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