Happy 32nd Birthday Rachel Michelle

Rachel Michelle,

Happy 32nd Birthday! First and foremost, thank you for making me a Mommy!

Rachel 3 weeks old

On this day, you burst into our little world as one of the most beautiful babies I had ever laid eyes on. You were perfect! A perfect blessing from God to us. I had been told for years by doctors that I would probably never conceive a child, and if I did, I would never carry it past the first trimester. I had a tipped uterus and had 2 rounds of radiation mixed in with some endometriosis against me. #ButThenJesus heard my prayers of wanting to be a mommy one day in the far future and made it possible. In fact, you were born 10 months after we got married! Yes, you were a little early too (36.5 weeks – all 3 of you were early birds) and you were perfect. A perfect tiny blessing. [08/08/1987 10:27am / 7lbs 3oz / 19.5 inches] Oh, here is a funny on that day… I am in the midst of pushing you out without medication (Not my plan, but you decided to make your entrance from first pain to delivery in less than 2.5 hours) your daddy, with his infinite sense of humor looks at me and says, “If you wait 12 months her birth date will be 8/8/88.” I don’t remember the look on my face, but the nurse told him to hush up and back away quickly. hahaha.

Rachel in K-5
Rachel and Grampa

I’m just going to say it and let the cards fall where they may. You were the easiest of the 3 to raise as a child. A few blips once in college, but all in all definitely the easiest. You have always had what I term as the ‘Peter persona.’ When you did need correction, you were quick to repent, and it was heartfelt as well, just like Peter in the Bible. You had this intrinsic ability at an early age to rectify a bad attitude. I marveled at that Rachel. Grampa always said you were his little old soul, meaning you were wise beyond your age. And you know what, he was right! When you were a little girl, you enchanted me with your antics, but as a woman, I am stunned by your grace and love.


You are/were the best big sister, even if not always appreciated by your younger siblings. They will never know all of the stuff that you circumvented for them, and though I didn’t mention it – I saw it, mommas usually do. Now, there were the times that you were the ringleader too… #DayFromHades.  I will leave it there. Hahahha

One of your many Mission trips

I also watched as you were the best of friends to people, giving all of yourself, and it was taken advantage of on many occasions. No matter how you were treated, you showed yourself as a good friend to them. You truly emanated the love of Jesus. I wish I was more like you in that, daughter. God is redeeming those years and friends, hun. You have prayed for them and loved them through this life journey and some from high school and college and beyond you may never see again but know that your Heavenly Father is watching over them and bringing them into their best life too. The depth of your kindness and love, influences not only my life but the lives of everyone you meet. You are such a compassionate and caring person.

New Adventures

God has heard your prayers and is now bringing YOU into a new season. May your birthday mark the start of a wondrous year of new adventures for you. New home, new state, new climate, new people (a few old friends too!), new job position, new church and an old van. (hahahha, had to say it, but it has new shoes!)

Sweets, no matter your age, you can come to me with any worry, hope, or dream. I will always be there with a kind word and a warm hug… and coffee – lots and lots of coffee!!

With All My Love, Mom

Psalm 36:7 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Your mercy is so precious, O God,
    that Adam’s descendants take refuge
        in the shadow of your wings.

Lord, I ask you to bless my baby girl today. It’s her special day. Holy Spirit wrap her up in your wings of comfort and give her good rest today. Thank you for this precious bundle of blessings that you entrusted to me to raise. I tried my best. Thank you for filling in the cracks that I made along the way. Let this new year of life bring her all of the desires of her heart. I know that you go before her to make smooth the way, and you are also her rear guard of protection. Let her know today how much she is loved. She’s my firstborn lil darlin’. She deserves all of the good things that life has! And please remind her, ‘There’s no place like home’ when you need a respite.

Signed, Christine …….
A Muse of the Remnant